ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ / SIDE Harmony 2014 | Page 82

Conclusion I claim that the quality of Music interpreted as the development of high human culture can be taken to be the prominent factor of cumulated social Intelligence as expressed in the harmony model I drafted. This Intelligence is the dynamic factor which moves the social entity- the community as well as the individual, as the ultimate carrier of this Intelligence analogous to the atomic Energy of matter as expressed by Einsteins’s theory of relativity. The quality of music lying as a potential module deep in every individual minds of a community, with one or the other endowed or culturally cultivated to make use of it in its human development towards its own harmonious existence, individually or in the community at large. At the Individual level Dr. Lousie Montello’s work on “Essential Musical Intelligence” may be one of the synthesis, which makes a lot of sense for me along the harmony hypothesis I made. http://www.essentialmusicalintelligence.com/aboutint.htm "EMI, Essential Musical Intelligence, is a force associated with the life of the soul that is present in all people at birth. EMI can be observed in the way that an infant spontaneously uses sound and melody to soothe herself, or by a toddler as he asserts his emerging identity by creating improvised songs. It is the driving force behind the phenomenal talent of the musical prodigy and the idiot savant. And it is an important catalyst for emotional development in teenagers and young adults. Somewhere along the way, however, many of us lose our connection with EMI. Each time our belief in our own creative abilities is undermined in some way, especially during our childhood years, we lose a little spirit, which is the wind beneath the wings of EMI. People whose lives are all work and no play are cut off from EMI because they have not allowed themselves the time to just be - to look within and explore the imagined and archetypal realms outside of ordinary consciousness. Even some professional musicians, forced from an early age to give up the joy and freedom of “just playing,” maintain an ambivalent relationship with music which can impede their access to EMI. ...... As you begin to embrace EMI, you will naturally become more responsible in exercising your free will to literally create your own reality. Through connecting with EMI, you will learn how to discriminate between things you have manifested that are in alignment with your soul’s path and those that limit your personal growth and freedom of expression. In this state of self-realization, EMI will prevail." Dr. Louise Montello Regarding Essential Musical Intelligence Using Music as Your Path to Healing, Creativity and Radiant Wholeness From the scientist of the century, my last one from the list of my "nice quotations": " The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms - this knowledge, this feeling, is at the center of true religion." - Albert Einstein ....At the center of true Faith .