ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ / SIDE Harmony 2014 | Page 45

II. The Cultural plane has the Axis of music (q); quality of music in the context of the dimension of the family and love. Music is a relation of cultural development and material production, signifying eternity. The scale of this Axis is CULTURE. Culture, however it may be quantified, in the light of achieving a high human CULTURE of peace, is significant. There are some absolute high figures and works, which are incontestable like Shakespeare, Goethe, and Mozart...Ghandi ... Mandela...etc the human message and peace is the essence of the scale. INTELLIGENCE in the context of the dimension of community and Ethics, as a function of the factors -humanity and quality of music, is the Axis interfacing both the social and the cultural planes. III. The material plane has the Axis of mass (m); mass in the context of the dimension of mankind and conscience. The scale of this axis is SCIENCE. Development of Science in accordance with the higher-objective of PERFECTION, in the sense of a human culture, harmony with nature and life as a whole. The development of all spheres of science has always in the end amounted to understanding mankind, nature and the universe in depth, which leads Man to PERFECTION. IV. The spiritual plane has the Axis of light (c); light in the context of the dimension of the universe and faith. Light/ speed of light/, which is a relation of space to time, signifying infinity. The scale of this axis is SPACE. Space, which is abstract and extends up to a dimensionless imagination of non-space; has the higher-objective of FAITH in the Absolute, which gives life a PURPOSE; HARMONY. Through Harmony transcendence is possible and FAITH can be achieved and through Faith the reality of Harmony can be felt. FAITH, however, as the common interface to the human and absolute plane, is a domain of the free and sovereign Individual Human being, which cannot and does not impose itself on Life but come about in due course of Nature and embraces the human species. Faith is a feeling, which is relatively present in the social reality or the real human being (as an experience or otherwise), and all the more, as one of the four higher-objectives of mankind to give life a purpose and maintain the path of optimism and hope. It is of paramount significance to consider this Faith (it is not only religion, which is exclusive) as a reality to maintain the Harmony of Life. Otherwise society will end up under the domination of religious fanatics, who will manipulate the faith-related natural instincts of mankind, like all dogmatic ideologies do, to counteract the very enlightenment we are longing for. ENERGY in the context of the dimension of nature and religion, as a function of the factors - mass and the speed of light, is the Axis interfacing both the material and the spiritual planes. 35