ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ / SIDE Harmony 2014 | Page 44

The social and the material planes 1. State and Mankind 2. Community and Nature 3. Family and Universe The cultural and the spiritual planes 1. Laws and Conscience 2. Ethics and Religion 3. Love and Faith Reflections / Inspiring effects: The social and spiritual planes 1. State and 7. Faith 2. Community and 6. Religion 3. Family and 5. Conscience The human and the absolute planes 4. The Human and 8. God The cultural and the material planes 1. Laws and 7. Universe 2. Ethics and 6. Nature 3. Love and 5. Mankind The human and the absolute planes 4. Hope and 8. Deliverance Axes, Scales & Higher-Objectives I. The social plane has the Axis of humanity (h); humanity in the context of the dimension of the state and laws . The scale of this Axis is HISTORY. History, in accordance with achieving the higher-objective of PEACE; History, through the cultural development, with enlightenment playing a crucial role, and the support of scientific progress, has brought about no other form of state than Democracy, which can better serve the high objective of Peace. PEACE has been and can only be achieved as long as there is harmony between the cultural and the social planes and all the more between the sections within these planes. Peace has always been compromised in History, as soon as the harmony between these factors (planes, sections, sectors, units, elements) was risked, with the consequences of wars and revolutions. 34