ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ / SIDE Harmony 2014 | Page 31

“It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the rest of musical perception.” Albert Einstein on his Theory of Relativity The Purpose of Life (Quintessence) The purpose of Life is to develop the godly nature of Mankind and create the harmonious Human Being after generations. The quintessence of life lies on I. The social plane II. The cultural plane III. The Material plane IV. The Spiritual plane The interfaces on the transcendental level are V. The Human plane (consisting of these four planes) and VI. The Absolute plane (consisting of all the planes) There are eight Dimensions making the Backbone of these Planes 1. The State & Laws 2. Community & Ethics 3. Family & Love 4. The Human Being & Hope 5. Mankind & Conscience 6. Nature & Religion 7. The Universe & Faith 8. God, The Absolute & Deliverance These Dimensions have their corresponding Axes: 1. Humanity (h ) 2. Intelligence/Consciousness (I ) 3. Music (q) 4. Destiny (D) 5. Mass (m ) 6. Energy (E ) 7. Light (c ) 8. The Source (S) Analogous to the Einstein theory of relativity, which is formulated for the Material & Spiritual plane (in the Godly Hemisphere) by E=mc 2 ; Energy = Mass x (Speed of Light) 2 ; there may be a social reality which can be formulated by 2 I= hq ; Intelligence = Humaniy x (Quality of Music) 2 for the social & cultural plane (in the Human Hemisphere). According to this Model, the Purpose of Life is HARMONY within and between the four Planes of Life and achieving the corresponding Higher Objectives of Mankind:- Peace, Culture, Perfection/Wealth and Faith. This will give birth to the godly Human, the Destiny, ready to rejoin its Source. The Present is however unhappy and full of disharmony. The unhappy present is due to this disharmony within and between these planes of Life.