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point, at least in its tenets, is enough. I am of course very aware of the fact that this is “only” on a highly macro-level and can perhaps be dismissed, as a common place and irrelevant by those who are busy threading the strings of our micro solutions. Nonetheless, with all respect for the micro solutions, it is high time that, we should get hold of our macro perspectives too. Moreover, at the micro levels there are abundant materials, works and solutions en mass in the libraries of esteemed humanist forefathers of diverse culture, which all have their rights of existence. It is true, (like the saying in German “der Teufel liegt im Detail”/ ) the devil lies in the details - the details are difficult. However, all schools of thoughts can come to terms with each other, allowing room for different solutions with the ultimate purpose of grasping the macro purpose of life. Only the right of existence and preferences for different micro solutions without claiming to be the absolute truth makes life, worthy and beautiful with all its diversity and complexity. Not any one philosopher ... or for that matter not even any contemporary spiritual leader has a right on the absolute truth. Life is somehow like the puzzle, my son is playing, to ultimately make one whole; just with the big difference, if you like, with no limits for its complexity and diversity; but in order not to break down eternally, always ending in an Harmony. I believe, this is for instance, the problem of the present political environment in Ethiopia. All „angels”, to put all of them in a positive light, claim to be the sole savior with the absolute truth... A very depressing moment vis à vis the tremendous energy of the people ready to make a great leap in our history. An observer for 20 years, 10.01.2006 Following is the graphical presentation of the Harmony Model. 9