Հայաստանի թռչունների պահպանման միություն | Page 6

About Armenian Society for the Protection of Birds The Armenian Society for the Protection of Birds (ASPB) was established in 2002. In 2003 Armenia joined the Important Bird Areas (IBA) program of BirdLife International, which is a global alliance dedicated to bird conservation worldwide. IBA program is a global initiative which aims to identify and protect a network of sites that are critical for the long-term survival of all bird species and their habitats. IBAs are sites selected according to the internationally agreed standard criteria as priority conservation areas for breeding, migration stop-over and wintering of the world’s bird species. Over 10000 IBA sites in nearly 200 countries have been already identified. In Armenia, from north to south a total of 18 IBAs, which support 27 species of global significance (threatened and vulnerable), has been identified by ASPB. • From that point onward ASPB administers the national IBA program in Armenia and has been involved in the conservation of birds and the habitats important for them, working with BirdLife International and its partner organizations in the Caucasus and Europe on a number of conservation programs. It is the only organization in Armenia that manages a national program of research and satellite telemetry of endangered Cinereous and Griffon Vulture and the study and restoration of globally threatened Lesser Kestrel population in Armenia. • ASPB works independently and in cooperation with local NGO network and scientific institutions to take on the ground conservation actions. Its supporters include such leading organizations as Birdlife International, SVS/BirdLife Switzerland, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), European Commission (EC DG Environment), Royal Norwegian Embassy, Wetlands International, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Hawk Mountain (US), World Bank (WB), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO/UN), Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU Germany), Nando Peretti Foundation (Italy), the UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme in Armenia, several UK based charity organizations (Darwin Initiatives, Rufford Foundation, Natural Research Ltd, Lush Foundation) and an array of private donors in the Armenian Diaspora. • In 2007 ASPB joined the BirdLife Partnership becoming the affiliate of BirdLife International in Armenia and now is on its way to the next stage to become a partner designate. Moreover, in February 2009, ASPB’s application to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was approved and it became the first IUCN member organization in Armenia. • At the beginning of its existence, ASPB was mainly implementing research projects. Then it expanded the scope of activities and now has research, conservation involving grassroots, contribution to the preparation of Action Plans and Policies, public outreach and environmental education directions on its agenda. There are also plans to be involved in the development of nature based tourism. 4 Armenian Siciety for the Protection of Birds