Zoom Autism Magazine Issue 11 | Página 6



The Culture Shock of Autism

Kirsten Lindsmith shares how autistic culture isn ’ t inherently disabled or wrong . It ’ s just different . . . . . . . . . 22

Learning to Drive . . . 08
There are some aspects of driving that may give autistic individuals additional challenges . This article will break down some of these areas as well as offer first-hand perspectives from several autistic adults . COLUMNS
Welcome to the Autistic Community . . . . . 14
Learn how and why ASAN ( Autistic Self Advocacy Network ) has put together a handbook that is written in accessible plain language , addressed directly to the autistic reader .
The Importance of Talking About Sex . . 32
Without proper education , we may be setting up our autistic loved ones for a life of victimization . The article is filled with resources that will help make the subject less uncomfortable .
ZOOM Autism through Many Lenses