Zoom Autism Magazine Issue 1 Fall 2014 | Page 37

Professor Ibby Grace says that whatever you do, don’t RUSH your Child. “People might believe that rushing someone will make the person speed up, but it is likely to have the reverse effect. More than likely, it is probable. Rushing is very stressful and actually causes me to be less excellent at thinking, speaking, writing or really anything because I am so busy trying not to melt down about the stress of being rushed that no resources are left open to try to do the thing the rushing person wants me to do more rapidly.” Professor Grace also explains that for many autistics, including herself, time is a very vague concept. When we tell our children, for example, to hurry up because school starts in 5 minutes, they may not have a clear understanding of what 5 minutes is. Ibby explains what it is like for her. “Time is a thing I do not really get properly. It is not that I was never taught how to tell time properly. I was. As a matter of fact, I have such a deep and vast knowledge of time-telling pedagogy that I can teach teachers how to teach time-telling very effectively to a wide range of children, and this is a huge part of my job. Despite the fact that I can appear to “tell time,” I am not very rapid at it. I can read to you off an analog or digital watch. I also always wear one because the alarms are helpful for me. But I do not feel time elapsing in the proper way, and I am sure this is the case because I have interviewed many people about the real way time is supposed to feel. From my perspective, time seems arbitrary, fake, like a trick.” Have a question you want to ask? Are you an autistic individual who wants to be an expert and offer advice? Email us at [email protected] with “Q&A” in the subject line. Zoom Autism Through Many Lenses 37