ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 97

room temperature profiles , the time and spatial variations of thermostat settings , such as turned on and off , operated continuously or periodically , adjustment and controlling of equipment settings could then be described and further recognized combining with questionnaire , Usage patterns across the monitoring period , for example , time ( daytime , nighttime ), duration ( always on , on continuously ), frequency , and temperature settings ( high , low in value , time variation ), adjustment ( active / inactive ), zonal control ( room variation ) were identified and then categorized by profile characteristics . For example , as shown in Tab . 2 , in sample household No . 11 , family members were absence at daytime and heating equipment was running periodically . Room temperatures were adjustable according to the user demand from 19 ~ 23 ° C . Household room temperatures varied independently during monitoring period . Although the heating energy consumption ( ENG ) of No . 11 was relatively low in value , 0.8 m3 / ( m2 · month ), it actually had a rather high value of indoor thermal comfort temperature hours percentage ( Pcth , 100 %, mean value 83 %). As for household No . 5 , on the other hand , the heating system was running continuously and not active in temperature setting adjustment . It had a much higher value of energy consumption ( ENG ) 3.1m3 / ( m2 · month ) and yet a slightly lower Pcth ( 93.9 %) than that of No . 11 ( 100 %).
Table 2 : Superposition of room temperature profiles , boiler controlling patterns and gas consumption
No .
Room temperature profiles ( Dec . 2012 ~ Apr . 2013 and Feb . 1 ~ Feb . 14 2013 )
Controlling patterns , gas consumption and thermal comfort
5 Controlling patterns : Heating system was running continuously , and periodically . Room temperatures were ranged from 17 to 25 ° C . Settings were not adjusted actively . Not zonal controlled and room temperatures were varied independently . Temperature of living room was always higher than bedrooms .
ENG : 3.1 ( mean value 2 ), m3 /( m2 · month ); Pcth : 93.9 % ( mean value 83 %);
Household lifestyle and its impacts on energy consumption in Beijing 95