ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 95

terns were described and classified based on duration, intensity and frequency of use, and gas consumption. Data processing Data points contained in each logger (temperature values), labeled with date and time, were downloaded and exported to MS-excel and plotted on temperature line profiles. According to the monitoring, during winter heating period, December, 2012 to April, 2013, the outdoor temperature ranged from -9.1~33.6°C,while indoor room temperatures for the sample occupant and household ranged from 7.3~31.5°C.The maximum, minimum, mean values of room temperatures varied from house to house and room to room, as were shown in Fig 2. It is clear that for different house, the operation and adjustment of gas boiler, the settings of heating temperature varies to size of household, family members’ age, clothing, activity and time staying at home. Figure 2: Household rooms’ temperature distribution (December, 2012 to April, 2013) (1) Percentage of comfort temperature hours (Pcth) Percentage of comfort temperature hours (Pcth) was introduced in evaluate the thermal comfort of each household. According to China’s Design Standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings in severe cold and cold zones(JGJ26-2010), the computational temperature for winter heating is 18°C. Pcth, as a new variable, would be the percentage of comfort temperature hours (T≥18°C) of total monitored hours. It described and evaluated the thermal environment of rooms or households. Pcth of sample households were shown in Fig.3. (2) Heating boiler gas consumption estimate value (ENG) Gas consumption cannot be record separately from household meters due to equipment limitation, however, quarterly gas meter records of the first, second and third quarter of 2013 were available. Monthly gas consumption value per square meter (ENG) was introduced in the estimate of the heating boiler gas consumption. The monthly amplitude was supposed to be the proportion for heating. ENG in this study was the difference value of gas consumption of heating months (January to March) and non-heating months (April to September). Household’s quarter gas meter readings and ENG of 2013 was shown in Fig.3. Monthly ENG of sam- Household lifestyle and its impacts on energy consumption in Beijing 93