ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Página 831

PIERONI, L., DADDI, P., and SALMASI, L., 2013, ‘Impact of Italian smoking ban on business activity of restaurants, cafes and bars’, Economic Letters, 121, pp. 70-73. PISINGER, C., and DOSSING, M., 2014, ‘A systematic review of health effects of electronic cigarettes’, Preventive Medicine, 69, pp. 248-260. REICHMANN, G., and SOMMERSGUTER-REICHMANN, M., 2012, ‘The Austrian Tobacco Act in practice – Analysing the effectiveness of partial smoking bans in Austrian restaurants and bars’, Health Policy, 104, 304-311. REPACE, J.L., JIANG, R., ACEVEDO-BOLTON, V., CHENG, K., KLEPEIS, N.E., OTT, W.R., and HILDEMANN, L.M., 2011, ‘Fine particle air pollution and secondhand smoke exposures and risks inside 66 US casinos’, Environmental Research, 111, pp. 473-484. SCHRAMM, S., CARRE, V., SCHEFFLER, J., and AUBRIET, F., 2014, ‘Active and passive smoking – New insights on the molecular composition of different cigarette smoke aerosols by LDI-FTICRMS’, Atmospheric Environment, 92, pp. 411-420. SCHOBER, W., SZENDREI, K., MATZEN, W., OSIANDER-FUCHS, H., HEITTMAN, D., SCHETTGEN, T., JORRES, R.A., and FROMME, H., 2014, ‘Use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) impairs indoor air quality and increases FeNO levels of e-cigarette consumers’, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 217, pp. 628-637. TAN, A.S.L., and BIGMAN, C.A., 2014, ‘E-Cigarette Awareness and Perceived Harmfulness: Prevalence and Associations with Smoking-Cessation Outcomes’, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 47, pp. 141-149. TRASSIERRA, C.V., CARDELLINI, F., BUONANNO, G., and DE FELICE, P., 2014, ‘On the interaction between radon progeny and particles generated by electronic and traditional cigarettes’, Atmospheric Environment, pp. 1-9. ZHANG, B., BONDY, S., and FERRENCE, R., 2009, ‘Do indoor smoke-free laws provide bar workers with adequate protection from secondhand smoke?’, Preventive Medicine, 49, pp. 245-247. ZHENG, P., FU, H., and LI, G., 2008, ‘Smoke-free restaurants in Shanghai: Should it be mandatory and is it acceptable?’, Health Policy, 89, pp. 216-224. The impact of smoking on indoor air quality in hospitality venues 829