ZEMCH 2015 - International Conference Proceedings | Page 572

Acknowledgements We are thankful to PAAET for their financial and support and for providing necessary guidance concerning projects implementation. Grateful to Dr. Nabil Ahmad for provision of expertise, and technical support in the implementation. Express our sincere thanks towards Mohammad Karam, Director of Kuwait Meteorology Department and Dr. Hassan Al-Dashti, Climatology Super-intendent for their supports. References Ullah, I., Rasul, M., and Khan, M.M.K., 2013, An overview of solar thermal desalination technologies. Retrieved from, http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2013/Malaysia/RESEN/RESEN-53.pdf Cipollina, A., Micale, G., and Rizzuti, L., 2009, Seawater desalination: conventional and renewable energy processes. Springer Science & Business Media. Retrieved from, https://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=NXEmcGHScV8C&oi=fnd&pg=PP5&dq=renewable+energy+resources+in+kuwait&ots=J4RWVlyZq6&sig=18Eea8ioZM5CI6-cAnLCDthc3nY. Bazilian, M., Onyeji, I., Liebreich, M., MacGill, I., Chase, J., Shah, J., and Zhengrong, S., (2013). Re-considering the economics of photovoltaic power. Renewable Energy, 53, 329-338. Retrieved from, http://az2112.com/assets/energy-bnef_re_considering_the_economics_of_photovoltaic_power_a_co_authored_white.pdf. Breeze, P., 2014, Power generation technologies. Newnes. Retrieved from, http://ise3.ise.virginia.edu/syllabi/m12/Norris_ENGR2595_EnergyResource.pdf Yinghao, Chu., 2011, Review and Comparison of Different Solar Energy Technologies. Global Energy Network Institute (GENI). Retrieved from, http://www.geni.org/globalenergy/research/review-and-comparison-of-solar-technologies/Review-and-Comparison-of-Different-Solar-Technologies.pdf Mathiesen, B.V., and Lund, H., 2009, Comparative analyses of seven technologies to facilitate the integration of fluctuating renewable energy sources. IET Renewable Power Generation, 3(2), 190-204. Retrieved from, http://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/10.1049/iet-rpg_20080049 Pregger, T., Graf, D., Krewitt, W., Sattler, C., Roeb, M., and Möller, S., 2009, Prospects of solar thermal hydrogen production processes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(10), 4256-4267. Bou-Rabee M., Seed T., Sulaiman A., 2015, Characteristics of Solar Energy Radiation on Typical Summer and Winter Days in Kuwait, International Journal of Automotive & Mechanical Engineering (IJAME) 2015. Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research, 2012, Kuwait National Meteorological Network: The Meteorological Conditions in the State of Kuwait, http://www.kisr.edu.kw/en/ Retrieved on 11 November 2014. Ghoneim, A.A., 2012, Environmental impacts of grid connected photovoltaic system adapted for peak load reduction in Kuwait. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 29. Retrieved from, http://www.aidic.it/cet/12/29/203.pdf Rehman, S., and Al-Hadhrami, L.M., 2010, Study of a solar PV–diesel–battery hybrid power system for a remotely located population near Rafha, Saudi Arabia. Energy, 35(12), 4986-4995. Retrieved from, http://www.researchgate. net/profile/Luai_Al-Hadhrami/publication/228667123_Study_of_a_solar_PV-diesel-battery_hybrid_power_system_for_a_remotely_located_population_near_Rafha_Saudi_Arabia/links/00b49535d017477d07000000.pdf. Yoon, J.H., Song, J., and Lee, S.J., 2011, Practical application of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) system using transparent amorphous silicon thin-film PV module. Solar Energy, 85(5), 723-733. http://www.sciencedirect.com/ science/article/pii/S0038092X10004056 570 ZEMCH 2015 | International Conference | Bari - Lecce, Italy