Yusef Ramelize Portfolio | Page 13

Newsletters and Alerts Advertisers can reach over 80,000 unique subscribers each month through our weekly, monthly, and methods-specific email newsletters and alerts. Highlights for 2011: t *NQSPWFEOFXTMFUUFSUFNQMBUFTQSPWJEFCFUUFSFYQPTVSFBOE increased click-through rates for advertisers t /FXUFDIOPMPHZTQFDJmDOFXTMFUUFSTBMMPXBEWFSUJTFSTUPtarget the most suitable audience for their products and services t $PNQMFUFEFNPHSBQIJDJOGPSNBUJPOPOOFXTMFUUFSsubscribers and readers who open and click on content t &YDMVTJWFTQPOTPSTIJQTPGNPTUOFXTMFUUFSTNFBOTOP competing with other advertisers for attention t "EEJUJPOBMBETQPUTJOFBDIOFXTMFUUFSBMMPXNPSFPQUJPOTfor presenting, promoting and branding products and services in each newsletter AOP & eTOC e-Alert Ad Positions Advance Online Publication and Table of Contents Alerts Delivered to an average of over 70,000 subscribers AOP alerts feature the top 3 articles as chosen by our editors from the upcoming issue of BioTechniques. TOC alerts are an electronic link to all articles and features scheduled to appear in the upcoming edition of BioTechniques. Weekly Newsletter Delivered to an average of over 70,000 subscribers This compilation of the week’s biggest news stories and events also features new products, highlights videos and podcasts, and lists upcoming industry events and meetings to keep researchers informed about the latest developments in the life sciences. Methods-specific Targeted Newsletters Delivered to an average of over 80,000 subscribers Methods-specific email newsletters provide readers easy and rapid access to methodological and technical information targeted to their specific interests. The Methods-specific Newsletters highlight late-breaking news, peer-reviewed articles, products, and troubleshooting tips. *June 2010 BPA Statement **Publisher's own data Weekly & Tech e-Newsletter Ad Postions Methods-specific Targeted Newsletter Topics q Cell Biology (New) q Cell Culture q DNA Sequencing (New) q Epigenetics (New) q Genomics (New) q Microscopy q PCR q Proteomics q Translational Research (New)