Wye Valley River Festival 2016 | страница 16

p ud i dl ng plop pin g Hereford, Bishops Meadow Friday, April 29 Festival Opening, 7.30pm - 9.45pm The Water Ones, an intriguing cast of river characters - hermits, fishers, washerwomen, poachers and musicians, open the Festival. At their first Wye Serai encampment indulge in mysterious water rites, fire, music, circus, aerial dance and comic performance as a procession of illuminated water monsters and River Carnival lanterns heralds the arrival of the Great Samovar. Fire is brought from the depths to ignite the great tea making sculpture. Tuba, drums and saxophones accompany the specially assembled Festival Choir and local musicians to celebrate the first ceremonial sharing of the Festival teas. As the Water Ones lift our spirits with mesmerising ritual and liquid nonsense, the banks of the river come alive with fire and flame, fountains of light and the waters of life. Hereford, Bishops Meadow Saturday, April 30 Wye Serai Opening, 10.00am - 6.00pm A full day of fun with the Hereford River Carnival. Street processions, amazing puppet creations, water rituals and aqua play, music, dance, food and drink, ending with a colourful flotilla of craft on the Wye and a duck race. The Water Ones wash away their dreams and bathe for the opening of the first Wye Serai. The three caravans open for all visitors, convivially hosted by the Water Ones, and the River A&E Laboratory starts conducting comic river health checks with serious intentions for the Arts and Environment (A&E). The Water Ones continue their water wrangling in a comic chaos of pouring, splashing, prancing, spilling, and singing. ross on wye, Rope Walk Sunday, May 1 Wye Serai, 11.00am - 6.00pm The travelling Wye Serai flings opens its doors at 12noon as the as the wayward Water Ones continue their surging stories - celebrating water, life, rivers, streams, washing up, teas and tears – with evocative dances, spillages, songs and silliness – accompanied by the George Choir from Newnham and the Festival street band. Watch out for The Documenter checking passports and recording all and sundry around the Bedouin Tent, Food Stalls and much, much more. There’s also Ross Beer Fest at the Rowing Club (entrance fee) and further fair activity beside the Hope and Anchor. The total amount of water on the earth is about 326 million cubic miles of water.