WV Farm Bureau Magazine May 2013 | Page 23

Food Aid Changes Could Hurt Farmers, Economy Ashley Stinnett The Obama administration has recently unveiled a controversial plan to undo a decade’s-old food aid program, setting off yet another political Washington showdown. For the last 60 years, the United States government has been buying food from American farmers in order to feed impoverished citizens in 44 countries around the world. In fact, America is the biggest hunger relief donor in the world. The current program costs roughly $1.5 billion dollars a year and relies heavily on homegrown producers. The latest White House proposal would eliminate the purchase of food from farmers here at home. If the approved changes move forward, the government would purchase food from developing countries. and North Korea, since these countries continue to be food-aid recipients. Rwanda, a nation known for government corruption and mass genocide, is another beneficiary country. The United States continues to reward unstable countries with some form of aid. Earlier this year, instead of punishing Egypt over the embassy assault, the White House wrote them a $250 million check. In fact, Egypt receives about $2 billion a year in aid from the United States, which is the most of any nation except Israel. Never mind the fact the fundamentally anti-American Muslim Brotherhood controls the Egyptian government. Supporters of the food-aid program change believe these countries will be inspired to grow and sell more Proponents of the new plan believe the program local food which will eliminate their own shortages. would feed an additional 17 million more people Can you imagine leaving these third-world countries each year while dramatically reducing shipping time. solely in charge of food distribution? Many of these Opponents argue the plan would eliminate shipping nations’ corrupt governments have starved and jobs and hurt American farm revenue. So far, a impoverished their own people. U.S. aid to many bipartisan group of 21 senators have written a letter to of these countries usually ends up in the hands of President Obama opposing the new changes. the wrong people, who use it for everything except actually assisting those in need. While it is certainly no secret Washington prides itself on wasteful spending, the answer to fixing No doubt America needs to save money. The this program lies in transparency, less regulation United States is rapidly approaching $17 trillion in and better management. In an already depressed debt, due largely in part to out of control spending economy, most American industries cannot take and an ever-growing recipient class. Unfortunately, another financial blow. The Obama administration neither party will be intellectually honest with the rightly argues the current plan takes months to get American people on how to reduce this massive food to individuals in poor countries. Even though debt because they are focused on winning elections. they may be right, sacrificing hundreds of jobs and Therefore, now is not the time to eliminate more further damaging the agriculture community all in jobs. If Washington wants to get serious about saving the name of “cost and flexibility” is not the right the agriculture community money while feeding the solution. The right answer is to better manage what world more efficiently, it needs to put beneficiary already works successfully. There are other options countries under the microscope, loosen up EPA such as expediting shipping methods while lowering regulations and push for the elimination of gasoline transportation costs. However, the most pressing and other transportation taxes. Couple this strategy area of solution is government transparency. If with eliminating aid to foreign nations that have a the Obama administration wants to look at ways to hatred for America and the budget would lighten. improve services while sav