Wisconsin School for the Deaf - The Wisconsin Times Vol. 133 No. 1 Fall 2011 | Page 13

Senior, Dylan Laux says, “We LOVE our dorm staff.” Krista and Jennifer explain how to deposit PBIS coupons in the dorm bank; while Dylan makes a deposit. Darion stops at Shari Decker’s station for a signature. Positive Behavioral Intervention Support by: Connie Gartner and Marla Walsh WSD is in our third year of PBIS, Positive Behavioral Intervention Support implementation in both the school and dorm settings. The WSD PBIS program has been recognized at the state level for our fidelity in implementing this program at the universal level. Our PBIS motto, also known as our Firebird Promise is Safe, Caring, Responsible, and Respectful. All teachers and dorm staff are expected to develop and post matrixes that explain exactly what the Firebird behavioral expectations are in each area of WSD. Students are reinforced with PBIS Firebird coupons that are redeemable for tangible or intangible rewards. The entire focus of WSD’s behavior management has drastically shifted from a focus on consequences to a focus on “caught being good.” Data indicates a reduction in disciplinary referrals resulting from implementing the PBIS program at WSD. You will receive letters from Marla when your child has redeemed Firebird coupons for rewards. We encourage parents to acknowledge their child at home for the good behavior displayed at school. PBIS  KICK-OFF by Dean Kemp On October 25th, the dorm had its PBIS kick-off. PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support. This program was designed to accentuate the positive behaviors displayed by students and to reward them for their upbeat and optimistic efforts. PBIS also offers teachable moments to help students form better decisions in future situations. The kick-off included students stopping at various stations to learn what expectations are to be met for this program. Emphasis on Responsibility, Respectful, Safety and Caring was illustrated through various activities put on by staff members to instill the basic ideas and concepts the PBIS program promotes. Students earn coupons for their behavior which will be deposited in the PBIS Bank. Earned coupons can be used to purchase a variety of privileges including movie night, extended bedtimes, or additional downtown rights. We look forward to bringing this program to light, instilling a more positive perspective in the students, and seeing students strive to exemplify the responsible, respectful, safety, and caring persons they truly are inside. Young and old working together on various PBIS Kick-off activities. During the PBIS KickOff in the dorm, students worked in multi-aged groups and similar aged groups for various games and lessons. Dylan Laux says: “Cookies and milk still win the hearts of seniors.” Wyatt and Julian select items from the PBIS Kick-Off Drawing. Julian purchased an album for his mother. Fall 2011 - 13