WINJFIX Vol.3 Independent: Rookies & All-Stars | Page 17

In today's modern time, you can listen to a person and tell what type of mentality they have within the first eight seconds of them speaking. It could be a negative or a positive. The energy they give off may trigger your discernment, only to let you know the ways of handling such conversations.

When it comes to inquiries about the spiritual realm,you want to first cover your mind with the blood of Jesus and make sure you're wise enough & strong enough to come up against the many different spirits.

There are two of the most tedious realms that majority of Religious leaders & saints operate in. #1,The fragile realm & #2,the ignorant realm. While operating in these realms they can cause you to look feeble & have infantile conversations. Which causes many to fail at growing because they're not challenging themselves to release that remaining spirit.

The remaining spirit causes individuals of the body of Christ to be of tradition. Carrying a wide range of traditions from generation to generation, some folk go to church every Sunday because that's what they've witnessed all through out life. All they know is to get fly & hit the pews every Sunday.

Tradition has also caused many to be so religious, that's why many churches & Kingdoms have fallen. The act of impulse and the courageous acts of religion, can cause you to be subject of eternal damnation. The most important leading factor that most folk fail to realize is, Having a relationship with God is more important than doing the works for God. You have to get to the point to where you're intimate with God, because you can do everything in the name of Jesus & still spend your eternity in hell because God never knew you. We were created to worship & love for God is love, God is not the author of confusion. He's the author of love,peace, discipline & unity! Religion is confusion, it's a set back, a stumbling block & a tool that has been used to cause division. The devil loves division & never communion!

Written by: Author Natasha L. Daniels

The Difference between Tradition,Religion & Relationship