Williams Code of Business Conduct - External | Page 15

discipline , dismissal , and possible legal proceedings . Such actions may also be brought against individuals who have willfully failed to report known violations .
We Respect Human Rights
While governments have the primary duty to protect and ensure fulfillment of human rights , Williams believes that respecting human rights is a fundamental value for our Company . We are committed to maintaining a corporate culture that respects the principles of all internationally recognized human rights . We recognize our responsibility to respect human rights and avoid causing or contributing to human rights infringements through our business actions ( See “ Human Rights Policy and Statement ”).
� Williams believes that employees should be treated with respect and dignity and work in an environment free from harassment and unlawful discrimination . Our commitment to an ethical work environment and a safe and secure workplace is reflected in our Core Values and policies .
� Our framework supporting our commitment includes promotion of human rights in our relationships with our employees , customers , communities , indigenous communities , and other business stakeholders .
� We are all expected to conduct ourselves in accordance with all local laws as well as Williams ’ Core Values and policies .
� We are also strongly encouraged to raise ethics , discrimination , or harassment matters , and to report suspected violations of applicable laws , policies , and / or our Code to any of our reporting channels — management , HRBP , Business Ethics Resource Center , or Williams Action Line ( 1-800-324-3606 or online at www . williams . ethicspoint . com ).