Wildcat Nation Wildcat Nation: Volume 1 Issue 1 (October, 2016) | Page 16

ife After High School

ife after high school doesn't end. In fact, life begins once there's no more lockers, gym class, or teachers nagging you about homework. Once you become an adult, it is up to you to care about the decisions that you make to further your life goals. In terms of choosing the right career, it is important to consider the multiple education paths that you could explore, such as college, community college, trade school, or the military. You should begin planning for what's next by your junior year of high school.

Take a career assessment test in which you answer a series of questions designed to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. These tests also consider different personality types for each individual. While career tests should not be your main source of decision making, you can use them as a tool to help you decide what career might match your interests.

Think about your interests and hobbies. For example, if you enjoy science, you may want to apply to college and pursue a career in engineering or marine biology. Write a list of possible careers that match your interests and your capabilities. If you find you are happiest when you work with others, jot down that you are a team player. That way you can consider jobs that involve people interaction instead of careers like computer programming or writing, which require more alone time. Speak to an adult you trust about your ideas and be willing to receive feedback.

Research the careers that you are considering. You should write a profile for each, including job description, salary, educational requirements and job outlook. Realistically, look at each profile and picture yourself performing the job duties. However, you have to consider all factors. For example, you may be able to picture yourself wearing scrubs and performing open heart surgery, but if you hate biology and can't imagine investing years in medical school, then it may not be a good idea to pursue medicine.

Narrow your options and look for a career with growth opportunities. While it is important to pick a career that will stimulate your mind, it is also important to be practical about the job market. If you decide that you want to go to college, you will need to pick a career that enables you to make a living after you graduate.

Jump into the first step of realizing your career dreams. If you have decided that you would like to pursue a career that requires higher education, do your research on applying to the college or program, including qualifications, application deadlines, tuition fees and length of study. If you have decided on a career that does not require higher education, start looking for ways to enter the field and gain experience. Speak to someone who already has your dream job. This person can provide a better picture of the pros and cons of the profession.

By Ashley Waldon