Why the Traditional Paralegal Doesn't Stand a Chance August 2014 | страница 21

Chapter Six Don’t bust your career because you won’t, . don’t or can’t get more continuing education. On the job training is no longer the best way to advance. Why? • While the person training you may be very knowledgeable, they may not know how to impart the information. They are not trained, professional instructors. • Your in-house trainer may not be fully trained. How would you know? They may be trained with information the firm needs now – and not any further. • Taking a webinar here or a seminar there does not give you the full picture. You don’t know what you are missing. How would you? • There may be no one to ask for the right information. Ask the wrong person, get the wrong information but don’t know it until it’s too late. • Your trainer may feel you don’t need to know everything right now. So you end up getting bits and pieces of information.