Where ART Lives Magazine Volume 3 Number 1 | Page 6

January 2017

Letter from the Editor

January 2017

Happy New Year from Kimberly and Lisa here at Where ART Lives !
As I am writing this , in late December , most of you have likely bolted fully into the arena of goalsetting for the next year .
If you ’ re anything like me , along with this comes a fair amount of time spent berating yourself for all of the things you had hoped to accomplish in 2016 and did not !
This year I ’ ve decided to take a completely different approach-and be much more GENTLE with myself . Rather than the traditional goalsetting marathon , I am going to start off the year revisiting my highlights and accomplishments in 2016 !
I ’ d like to challenge you to do the same , and be gentle and kind to yourself in this process . No self criticism is allowed here ! This is a time to acknowledge and celebrate ALL that is wonderful about YOU and your life !
Here are a few questions to get you going .....
How have you expanded personally this year ? How have you expanded professionally this year ? How have you expanded spiritually this year ? Did you start a new venture ? Did you expand your education ? Are you closer to a fitness goal ? Did you complete a meaningful project ? Did you complete many meaningful projects ? List them all , each and every one , no matter how small . http :// whereartlivesinspire . blogspot . com / 2016 / 09 / shared-from-ceo-ofwhere-art-lives . html
Did you travel to a new place ? Did you make new friends ? Did you welcome new members into your family ? Did you welcome a new pet into your family ?
What ALL are you grateful for ? This list should be LONG ! What are you MOST grateful for ?
I beg you , don ’ t even ponder goals for 2017 until you sit a bit with these questions , and celebrate Amazing YOU !
-Kimberly Conrad Editor-in-Chief Owner , Where ART Lives Gallery & Magazine