Wheaton College Alumni Magazine Winter 2014 | Page 16

Frances Griswold ’13 gRaD sTuDeNT aT CeNTRal WashINgTON uNIveRsITy “ geology is my way to impact god’s kingdom.” Lasting RetuRns With Wheaton’s liberal arts education on their resumes, graduates of 2013 launch into careers and calling. Kendall Vanderslice ’13 PasTRy assIsTaNT IN The bOsTON aRea “ My primary goal for the future is to work toward making sustainable food available to all socioeconomic classes.” Jeremiah cooGan ’13 gRaDuaTe sTuDeNT aT uNIveRsITy Of OxfORD “ i hope that my research on the textual transmission of scripture will prompt both the church and academy to think more carefully about what we mean when we say ‘scripture.’” INTRO by DR. JeffRy C. DavIs, assOCIaTe PROfessOR Of eNglIsh, DIReCTOR Of The WRITINg CeNTeR, aND DIReCTOR Of The INTeRDIsCIPlINaRy sTuDIes PROgRam T he debate about the relative worth of an undergraduate degree has intensified in recent years. With a slow economic recovery, 2013 graduates know that good jobs do not come easily. Competition in the marketplace remains fierce. any imprudent expectation of finding the perfect position right out of college must be tempered with realism and perseverance. Noting that in the workforce today there are more than a million retail sales clerks with a four-year undergraduate degree, scott Carlson, writing for The Chronicle of Higher Education, recently asked whether or not an undergraduate degree even merits the time and money anymore. 14   W I N T E R   2 0 1 4 andrew Thompson ’13 fellOW WITh The ORegON leaDeRshIP DevelOPmeNT INsTITuTe “ Community is absolutely essential to thriving.” irma casTañeda ’13 COmmuNITy WORkeR WITh The IllINOIs sTuDeNT assIsTaNCe COmmIssION “ there’s nothing more empowering than education.” ryan anderson ’13 fIRsT-yeaR meDICal sTuDeNT aT mayO meDICal sChOOl “ Dr. Hess . . . provided an example of someone living out his faith as an active research physician.”