We Day | Page 21

When are you going to do it?

Jem, Echo and I decided to do it right after our basketball practice on december 21st. I donated the baby supplies in December 23.

what are you going to do?

My friends and I decided to buy Burger King for a homeless person on the streets who was begging for money. Donate baby supplies.

where are you going to do it?

We bought the food at the Burger king at Notre Dame and we found a street begger standing in the middle of the intersection on Notre Dame.

I bused to the superstore to donate the baby stuff.

who are you going to help?

My friends and I helped a woman in her mid twenties who was in the middle of the intersection asking for money.

I also helped parents who are in need of baby supplies.

what resources will you need?(people, supplies, information)

The resources we needed were a place to get the food so that’s Burger King and we needed money to buy the food. I needed to bus to go to Superstore and a Winnipeg Harvest bin to put the stuff in.