WE DAY Probs | Page 5


This was something we were told to do but we did it with a smile. Paying it fowared was not something that I even thought existed before I came here. Yes, I lived in another country. This was something I was looking foward to. I wanted to do something simple but different. So I decided to make origami crafts and put them into mail boxes along my street. This was done in december so it was freezing out. I counted around 30 houses but there were over 40. I was only able to make about 20 crafts which made me a little disapointed but still proud. There was a date to when this had to be done too. But since the weather was being cold hearted. My parents didint want me to go at the times I asked. Which were around midnight. I did go out with my dad but forgot to recored the thing. My act wasnt big but I hope I did something worth while to some people. Let me say this. Everyone at my school did something to pay it foward. One shoveled snow out of an old person's walk way. Another out of their parents drive way after they got a snow blower. Another gave a homeless person some change. There not big. Well, at least to YOU. The people they helped out must be greatful or at least a little happy. I, WE encurage you to pay it forward. Just smiling like a madman is paying it forward already. Seeing such a goofy expresion can briten anyones day.