WE DAY Probs | Page 4

You can do acts of kindness too. In fact, I think you already do. I know you leared about this in school millions of times. And that you like paying people back for what they did for you. But how about paying it foward? Have you thought of that yet? Well the act doent have to be big. It can be as simple as shoveling snow for someone else, smiling at everyone you pass by or leaving a small message in a mail box. This is what I did to pay people foward. Simple but suprizing

I wouldn't ever expect to have a randome craft in my mailbox if I were in their shoes. If I ever bother to check my mail box at least. I just want to show people that they can do things and feel proud about. Ever heard of collectors? They do so much just to complete it. Maybe not the whole thing but still, they did it with a smile. I'm pretty sure that you did something like this already. The many, many projects you did when you were around 5-8. Your baby teeth?(my mom kept mine :$). Although it was your parents who kept these things, these things still hold memories. Like those cards you made for mother's/father's day or Valintines day? I did at least. You may not be a collector but you can be a giver. Giving smiles, help, gifts and maybe support. It can be anything that you and your target are ok with. You cant just shovel snow when your sick or for a house with no owner. Just do it when you want to as well. The best help is given when you feel good.