WE DAY Probs | Page 13


Molly Burk was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a retinal disease causing loss of vision. As a student, Molly was tormented by bullies who mocked her for being blind.

She became depressed and struggled with mental illness, until she found the strength to face her challenges, the courage to reach out to others, and most importantly, hope. She also has a dog named Gallop.


She has inspired so many young hearts and adults alike form her story. She believes that we gain strength from sharing our stories and that we can learn from the struggles of others. That’s why she lives by the motto."Live, learn and pass it on".She has got through her school year bullies and backstabber friends. And she still has that spunky attitude. A true lesson about surviving and thriving. A lesson we all take from her.

Molly Burk