Wagons West Chronicles October Issue 2016 October Issue | Page 12

October 2016 12 HOW THE POST CARD IS MADE April 29, 1883, Daily Herald, Dallas, Texas — The postal cards of the United States government are turned out near the village of Castleton, on the eastern bank of the Hudson River, about eight miles below Albany. The postal card factory proper, there being several buildings devoted to the purpose in question, is a one story brick building of very unpretending appearance. The card-board is received from the paper mill in sheets twenty-one inches by thirty–a size just large enough to cut up into forty postal cards. The sheets are first printed on an ordinary large cylinder “job” printing press. The impression is taken on a plate containing forty card faces with stamp, the monogram US, the scroll and words “postal card,” and the line “Nothing but the address can be placed on this side.” Thus, when a sheet of card-board is run through the press it comes out with forty postal cards completely printed, ready to be cut up into the onecent missive with which the public is familiar. There are three presses, any two of which, it is thought, are sufficient to supply the demand without being rushed. From the presses the printed sheets are taken to the cutting machine, where they are rapidly cut into strips containing ten cards each. They are fed between rollers, on which there are four circular blades. The cutting into strips is done as fast as a tolerably active boy can pass in the sheets. From the first cutting-machine the sheets are taken to a second cutter, where they are fed through rollers with circular blades, set as far apart as the width of a postal card. Thus 10 cards produced ready for use from each strip that is run through the cutter, and the cards then drop into 10 pockets made of tin, mounted on a shaft. Continued on next column LouisLAmour Movies THIS MONTH’S MOVIE “ What year did Louis L’ Amour write his first novel ?” Wagons West Chronicles INDIAN TRIBAL AUTONOMY April 3, 1891, Gazette, Fort worth, Texas — The Chickasaw legislature is now in extra session at Tishomingo. It is supposed they have met to act jointly with the Choctaw to confirm the recent act of congress in appropriating about $3,000,000 for the purchase of that part of the leased district occupied by the Cheyennes and Arapahos. It is likely that some action will be taken by the body in the intruder matter. “The squaw men” are apprehensive lest the full-blood legislators pass an act debarring them from sharing in the recent appropriation, and many of them are taking out United States citizenship at this term of the Federal court in order that they may sue for their rights in this court. So far, a dozen or more have taken the oath of allegiance, and it is safe to predict that many will follow at once. Since the Sam Paul campaign in August the feeling against the intermarriage citizens has been very bitter among the Chickasaws, and the policy of the Byrd administration is very oppressive toward that element. Since the opening of Oklahoma and the establishment of a Federal court within the bound of the Indian Territory, the conflict of authority between the tribal and Federal governments has demonstrated the futility of longer continuing tribal relations, and the Indians are quickly realizing that they must embrace the new order of things. As a consequence a great many blood Indians will accept American citizenship, and the disruption of tribal autonomy is certain. Post Cards from previous column. contain a like number. The yellow-paper band that is wrapped about each package of the 25 cards is already gummed, so that the three pocket-tenders are able to work rapidly. The packages of 25 each are placed in piles of 10 each, and each two of these piles are packed into a strawboard box, each box containing 500 cards. The strawboard boxes are made rapidly on the spot by an ingenious machine. The whole machiner y for making postal cards, after the card-board is received from the card-mill, could be operated in a room 30 feet square. The force produces and packs an average of 1,250,000 cards each working day. The boy who feeds the strips into the cutter passes 25 through and then calls out “tally.” Three girls remove the cards from the tin pockets, pack them in stacks of 25 each, and provide each package with the proper band so familiar to those who buy cards in quantities of 25 and upward. In addition to these operations one of the three girls has to turn the pocketshaft every time the feeder calls “tally,” and another has to count the cards in any one pocket, so as to see that strips is correct. Every 25 strips produce 250 cards, delivered equally in 10 pockets. If anyone of them contains 25 cards each, each of the other nine must . Prove It! from page 11 weighted platform. The wire can be either pulled by several stuntmen or attached to a motorized device, which yanks the stunt performer backward in a violent manner. 1956 Click To Watch It is a memorable scene that still shocks an audience over 50 years after the film’s release. And the character of Jack Wilson is probably one of the greatest villains in Western film history.