VPHS Magazine 2014 | Page 37

VPHS no girl in the school who doubted that! Hair was quickly tucked neatly away, skirts were hastily pulled down and pupils would straighten up when Mrs Du Preez walked past. She even carried out the dreaded “panty inspections” where the correct style, colour and size of underwear was checked. It is rumoured that even the lady staff members were careful about what underwear they sported! The pupils accepted this firm lady because she always did what she had to, for the good of the school, and did it fairly. handing in their draft papers for her moderation. They all classify themselves as master examination setters after learning from what they regard as the best. I would like to share some of the comments made by her faculty colleagues: “This hard working, thorough lady with loads of energy has a warm and loving personality that overwhelms you when you come into her presence. She has the knack of making you feel at ease and her perseverance and sense of duty rubs off on you.” “Marintha is always ready to serve others and works through adversity with such grace.” “Ek was, in die begin, nogal geïntimideer deur die formidabele vrou. Ek het gou groot respek en agting vir haar ontwi