VPHS Magazine 2014 | Page 24

VPHS Conan and Merryl de Wee are expecting their second baby girl in the month of November. Unfortunately, no year can pass without some form of loss. The VP family would like to express their sincerest condolences to the family and loved ones of Mr Tas de Wet, Ms Lee-Anne Coopoosamy, Mrs Jenni Deale, Ms Wendy Matthews and Mr Brian van der Watt. All of these staff members lost a loved one this year. We will keep you in our prayers during this difficult time of your lives. No year, however, is without its regrets. This year Victoria Park bids farewell to two highly talented and tireless educators. Mr Wicus Janse van Rensburg is moving up-country to the city of gold to further his singing career. Mr J, as he is affectionately known to the learners, has been instrumental in developing and nurturing the VP Choir into a force to be reckoned with in twenty fourteen. He has touched the lives of many aspiring singers during his tenure here. Who could forget his star turn in Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat in twenty eleven? His expertise and raw talent will be sorely missed, as will his cheeky quips at staff gatherings. VP wishes Mr J all the best in Johannesburg. Mr Vermaak is eagerly awaiting an autographed copy of his first album! Mrs Theresa van der Merwe is relocating to Hudson Park High School in East London . Mrs van der Merwe has not only worn many hats at VP but has 24