Vlaams jeugd- en kinderrechtenbeleidsplan 2015-2019 | Page 13

being young NATURALLY BEING GIVEN A PLACE Children and young people have their place in Flanders. The Government of Flanders is aware that ‘being young’, with respect for each other and for other generations, does not take place in a vacuum. We give children and young people a chance to be themselves and to express themselves in society. SEEING AND BEING SEEN Meeting each other and enjoying experiences together can create mutual understanding: of more vulnerable groups, between groups of young people, and between young and old people. Although youth work, sport and culture seem ideal for this purpose, additional incentives will be offered. Even the tourism sector promotes family- and child-friendly ini- tiatives. Family-friendliness is a point of focus in urban renewal projects. The Government of Flanders believes that children and young people should be allowed to be seen and their voices be heard. We highlight this through a number of campaigns and conferences. WITHOUT TOO MANY RULES The Government of Flanders is trying to cut back on regulations that prevent children and young people from taking initiative. Administrative simplification should allow youth workers to concentrate on their work instead of several difficult regulations. This will also benefit individual young people, for instance if they want to stage an event. On the other hand, the Government of Flanders itself tries to tailor new regulations even better to the interests of children, young people and their organisations through the Child and Youth Impact Report (JoKER). 13