Vive Charlie Issue 25 | Page 6

To the Gates of Vienna Once Again

As I sit and write this column, a meeting is taking place in Vienna that, in my opinion, will change the face of Europe for the foreseeable future. Sitting down at the table are:

Austria, Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia.

The topic of discussion has never been more serious for those involved. Following Merkel's catastrophic decision to invite the 3rd world to free-everything in Europe and following a summer that saw over a million fit, young, single men invade Europe through Greece and Italy, the door is being slammed shut as useless politicians finally realise that the stream of largely unemployable, unskilled and culturally backward invaders is not going to stop. Germany is simply unable to process the hordes that have arrived, let alone assimilate or integrate them into one of the most ordered, law abiding and highly regulated societies in the world.

Of the 200,000 asylum applications Germany managed to process in 2015 (from over a million arrivees) it turns out 179,000 have been rejected – and now Germany has realised that these people are not simply going to leave of their own accord. In the meantime, over 100,000 new hopefuls have landed on the shores of Greece this year alone and are heading northwards to take their chances at owning a Mercedes and enjoying the beer halls of Munich and Berlin. Instructions have been sent by Merkel to “store and process” these wanderlings in large military run camps in Greece and slam the borders shut at the first possible opportunity whilst handing the brutal regime of Turkey's Erdogan as much money and favours as he demands in the faint hope he'll dissuade the millions more waiting not to bother. Greece can reckon with a million angry young Arab men in camps this year alone, from document-less Syrians to Turkish Roma to Bangladeshis hoping to grab an EU passport and citizenship.

This shows either a blatant disregard for the Arab mindset or a wilful deception by the politicians of the EU as to the agenda of those coming. Yes, there is war in the Middle East – there has always been war in the Middle East – and arms sales, coupled with our stubborn colonialist and imperialist pride have simply exacerbated the fighting and slaughter. Instead of realising that Arabs simply do not trust anyone outside their own family or tribe, and that Arab “nations” are merely convenient ways for dictators to control a persistently feuding confederation of every flavour of religion under the Middle Eastern sun, our pathetic unelected masters in Brussels are simply unable to comprehend that most of the planet does not share their culture or political ambitions for “social justice, equality and harmony”. If history teaches us anything, it's that humans, when given the opportunity, will slaughter, plunder and enslave any other humans that stand in their way. The sight of flag waving Afghan young men at the closed Macedonian border yesterday, demanding borders be removed is not “social justice, globalisation and equality” in action, it's an invasion of another culture who in turn, will demand that we assimilate to theirs – ask your ancestors if in doubt.