June 2018 SPECIAL EDITION March 2017 Issue | Page 8

MARCH 2017
Continued from page 1
The story reminds me of many of you because I have been in the homes of hundreds of Visitation of Our Lady parishioners . I have seen husbands dedicate themselves 24-hours-a-day to doing what they can for their dying wives . I have seen wives do the same , often getting only a sparse few hours of sleep every day . I have seen a daughter sleep at her mother ’ s bedside so that she will wake-up if she hears even a minor moan and be able to lovingly tend to mom . I have seen a husband endure daily beatings from his wife , an Alzheimer victim . He could have put her into an institution . After all , she had no idea who he was . She just paced their home all day , physically lashing out at her husband for seemingly no reason at all . Daily ! But , he kept on keeping on .
Why do people do Christ-like things ? Because it makes them feel good ? Hardly . Often , they are worn out . Their feelings are , at best , dormant . They do what they do because their faith correctly tells them it is the loving thing to do . To keep on keeping on , even when it ’ s physically and emotionally exhausting . Even when there appears to be zero chance of success .
Here ’ s a modern parable based on a true story . Diane was frazzled . She had been tending to her invalid mother for two years . Mom ’ s pay back to Diane ? Anger and criticism . Never a kind word . A daily litany of insults . Diane prayed for
two years for a miracle , but she got no miracle . She got only more abuse . In her private thoughts , Diane admitted she felt no love for her mother or for God . Her emotional reservoir seemed to be empty . Diane went to see her pastor , Father Fred . Diane said , “ Father , help me . I want to love Mom and have faith in God , but I don ’ t feel anything for either . I ’ m afraid I ’ m just a terrible sinner . I feel as if I have totally lost my faith . Father Fred replied , “ Diane you ’ re confused . You ’ re actually a saint . Love and faith aren ’ t rooted in Pollyanish feelings . They ’ re rooted in action . Depending on the day , you have no feelings or negative feelings for your mother and for God . Yet , you spend your days acting like Mother Teresa . Forget how you feel . Your feelings are morally neutral . All feelings are . However , your actions are something else . They are filled with love . Because you keep on keeping on doing loving things , despite a hellish return on investment , I know your faith is solid as a rock and true love fills every fiber of your being . Your reward in heaven will be huge .”
Ever feel like Diane ? I bet you do . Ever act like Diane ? I hope you do .

Academic Fair Winners

Congratulations to the students who placed in Academy of Our Lady ' s annual Academic Fair ! From l . to r .,
Bryson Ricau - First Place 4th Grade Reading Comprehension Aiden Bucalan - Second Place 4th Grade Spelling Noelle Singleton - Second Place 3rd Grade Spelling Riley Doherty - Second Place 4th Grade Math Charlotte Trauth - Third Place , 3rd Grade Math