Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter 6 2016 | Page 31

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2016 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------strange thing Vietnamese people are really proud of. A young student told me one day, “You have to be self-confident to cross a street” (and please never wait for the traffic lights to turn green). Unfortunately I did not manage to learn the Vietnamese language though I studied a lot, Vietnamese is a tonal language and very hard to learn in case you did not grow up in a Vietnamese family. My job During the last four years I taught German as a foreign language in different kinds of schools, in primary schools, in private schools and state schools, in high schools and I even taught university students in a volunteer course. First questions in school (and elsewhere, even in a taxi) “How old are you?” “Are you married?“ “Have you eaten already?” – the answers to these summarize the most important information you need to know about another person. Students are students everywhere, there are very enthusiastic hard-working ones, lazy ones, very active boys and girls and also some who are always late and always tired and anyway, all Vietnamese students need their nap after lunch. Special about Vietnamese students is their openness to new topics and to silly games, their desire to learn, to improve themselves and their amazement when they realize Germany is not like paradise, not even a perfect place. The last two years in Hanoi I was mainly teaching in Viet Duc high school, a well-known high school in the city centre. There is already a long tradition to open two German classes each year at Viet Duc high school. Important to know: while in Germany and all over the western world there are less children every year, the Vietnamese population is still growing. This is one of the reasons the size of classes in Vietnamese schools is about 45 up to 60 students, which means 95% chalk and talk teaching. Teachers talk and fill the board, students copy everything into their notebooks and memorize it for the upcoming exams. German classes should be different, therefore we only teach half of the students in one group. This is to guarantee modern and effective