VirtualCyberCrisisExerciseAllPartners2V3 12 2015

How do you know if your cyber-breach response plan will work? Join Firestorm for a 90-minute, complimentary virtual cyber breach crisis exercise. Test your plan – and uncover any gaps – before a real crisis. In celebration of its 10th anniversary, crisis management leader Firestorm is hosting two, no-fee, cyber-crisis response virtual simulation exercises—the first of their kind in the crisis management industry—on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2 p.m. EST, or Monday, Dec. 14, 2 p.m. EST. These groundbreaking, 90-minute interactive exercises, designed for organizations of all types, will stress-test senior leadership team response in a simulated cyber-crisis. The panel of experts will guide participants through a series of escalation events, with participants applying their own crisis management and cyber-breach response plans to each stage. Each session will include a discussion of how their insurance responds to the cyber-crisis and will conclude with a “hot wash” and benchmark analysis of actions taken. The sessions are specifically designed to empower participants to improve their cyber-breach response plans. What You Will Learn:  Crisis/consequence management overview  Exercise structure, objectives and assumptions  Cyber-breach crisis scenario: series of escalations  Hot wash self-review and crisis management maturity model analysis  Warning signs and indicators  Next steps and resources  What do you know?  What do you do?  How do you monitor?  What do you communicate and with whom?