V-Day Annual Report 2015 | Page 11

G REVOLUTION 2015 CHANGE CAN HAPPEN IF GRASSROOTS MOVEMENTS AND MARGINALIZED COMMUNITIES ARE IN THE LEAD. CHANGE CAN HAPPEN IF WE DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY— MAKING SURE OUR JUSTICE CALLS FROM LAST YEAR ARE REALIZED We are going to continue to demand justice, to highlight the issues surrounding the social injustices inflicted on women, and to keep highlighting where these issues connect. We will continue to challenge institutions, governments, policies and laws—and make these systems, which are responsible for creating situations of poverty and violence, accountable. CHANGE CAN HAPPEN IF WE HARNESS OUR CREATIVITY & ENERGY We will envision, create and highlight brave and radical artistic initiatives to bring in the new revolutionary world of equality, dignity and freedom for all women and girls. THERE IS NOTHING MORE POWERFUL THAN ART AS A TOOL FOR TRANSFORMATION. CHANGE CAN HAPPEN IF – WE ACT NOW. AND WE ACT TOGETHER. 11