V-Day Annual Report 2013 2013 | Page 25

I left New York City’s Washington Square Park yesterday after a One Billion Rising flash mob event with the oddest sense of female empowerment. Why odd? Well, mostly because I’m a man. Nonetheless, I found the spectacle and high-energy performance of nearly 300 women dancing to the strains of Tena Clark’s Break the Chain tremendously inspiring. 577,714,090 TWITTER IMPRESSIONS OVER 48 HOURS CNN.COM iReport 621,000,000 MEDIA IMPRESSIONS IN THE U.S. ALONE The day of foot- stomping, flash-mobbing and booty- shaking all across the world?will not, in fact, end violence against women. It won’t stop men?of the cloth from molesting children, the Taliban from shooting?little girls who want an education, or boyfriends from raping their girlfriends. But what it does is help all of us tell a new story about what’s possible. It creates connections across demographic and organisational difference, a shared experience and set of memories, an undeniable visual and visceral demonstration of our collective outrage. It gives us somewhere to place our intolerance for what happened in New Delhi and Steubenville and so many places just like it that never made the headlines. Above all else, it awakens our own dormant audacity. If Eve Ensler and V-Day can get one billion people to dance together, what else might be possible? In nearly 200 countries around the world, people took to the?streets Thursday with a carnival spirit as part of One Billion Rising,?a campaign initiated by Eve Ensler, the author of The Vagina Monologues, to highlight violence against women. In India, the message mirrored widespread public sentiment that has swelled after the gang rape and death of a 23-year-old physiotherapy student in Delhi in December, bringing women’s rights and safety to the center stage of civic and political discourse. ...Thursday’s event, which?was attended by dozens of young people from Delhi University and student organizations, seemed to herald a broader movement, one focused on changing societal mindsets and individual attitudes rather than railing against the government. International Herald Tribune/NYT India TRENDED ON TWITTER IN 7 COUNTRIES 10,000+ USER GENERATED IMAGES Al Jazeera, Courtney Martin 23