UVA CTS Annual Report 2015 | Page 33

SELECTED 2015 PRESENTATIONS RICHARDSON, J. K., AND SMITH, B. L., “Application of Maximum Entropy Sampling Design to Traveler Information System DataQuality Evaluations,” Forthcoming in the ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2015. MA, J., SMITH, B. L., AND FONTAINE, M. D. Comparison of In-Vehicle Auditory Public Traffic Information with Roadside Dynamic Message Signs. Forthcoming in the Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. ASARE, S. K., AND SMITH, B. L., “Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Evaluation Framework – Rigorous Exploration of Potential ICM Benefits,” Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 141, Issue 7. 2015. MA, J., SMITH, B. L., AND ZHOU, X.    “Personalized real-time traffic information provision: Agent-based optimization model and solution framework,” Forthcoming in Transportation Research Part C, 2015 (available online). BABICEANU, S., GONZALES, D., PARKANY, E., HUNGATE, B. “Assessing the Wider Economic Benefits of Intelligent Transportation System Deployments: A Virginia Case Study.” Presentation at TRB 2016 Annual Meeting. CHEN, T. D., KOCKELMAN, K., AND HANNA, J. “Implications of a Shared, Autonomous, Electric Vehicle (SAEV) Fleet,” 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research Paper #84, July 2015, Windsor, United Kingdom. CHEN, T. D., KOCKELMAN, K., AND HANNA, J. “Management of Shared, Automated, Electric Vehicles: Charging & Pricing Strategies.” TTS World Congress. October 2015, Bordeaux, France. AMINE, M. S., TANKS, J., HARRIS, D. K., AND HEAD, M. “Environmental Effects on Material and Bond Durability of CFRP and AFRP for Prestressed Concrete Bridge Applications.” SEI Structures Congress, Portland, OR. 2015. HARRIS, D. K., GHEITASI, A., AND CIVITILLO, J. M. “Field Testing and Numerical Simulation of a Hybrid Composite Beam Bridge in Virginia.”16th European Bridge Conference, Edinburgh, UK. 2015. HARRIS, D. K., OZBULUT, O. E., ALIPOUR, M., USMANI, S., KASSNER, B. L. “Implications of load rating bridges in Virginia with limited design or as-built details.” Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Torini, Italy, July 2015. GHEITASI, A., AND HARRIS, D. K. “Integration of element inspection data in model updating and performance evaluation of in-service bridge superstructures.” SEI Structures Congress, Portland, OR. 2015. TODD, A. AND IVEY-BURDEN, L. “A Method of Mapping Sinkhole Susceptibility Using A Geographic Information System: A Case Study for Interstates in the Karst Counties of Virginia” 14th Sinkhole Conference, Rochester, Minnesota. 2015. IVEY-BURDEN, L., RIX, G. J., AND WERNER, S. D. “Development of a Risk Framework for Forecasting Earthquake Losses in Port Systems.” Earthquake Spectra. 2015. MILLER, J. S. AND TURNER, B. L.  “Determinants of Variability in Preliminary Engineering Funding: Program-Level Analysis”.  Presentation at TRB 2015 Annual Meeting. ANAM, S. AND MILLER, J. S.  “Measuring How Better Transit Can Improve Jobs-Housing Balance”.  Presentation at TRB 2015 Annual Meeting. MONDSCHEIN, A. AND PARKANY, E. “Hitting the Sweet Spot: Variability in Commute Lengths and Vehicle Emissions across a Diverse State.” Presentation at TRB 2016 Annual Meeting KHAKIMOVA, E., SHERIF, M., OZBULUT, O. E., HARRIS, D. K., OZYILDIRIM, H. C.  “Experimental investigations on shape memory alloy fiber reinforced concrete.”Proceedings of 11th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, UrbanaChampaign, IL, August 2015. CHEN, Y., PARK, J., YUN, I., AND PARK, B. B. “Benefits of Quantifying Actuated Traffic Signal Control: A Before and After Case Study,” EASTS Conference, Cebu City, Philippines, Sep. 10-14, 2015. LEE, J. AND PARK, B. B. “Investigating Communications Performance for Automated Vehicle-based Intersection Control under Connected Vehicle Environment,” IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Seoul, Korea, June 28 – July 1, 2015. HU, J. AND PARK, B. B. “Transit signal priority with connected vehicle considering conflicting requests, ITS World Congress 2015, Bordeaux, France, Oct. 5-9, 2015. ZENG, H., PARK, H., FONTAINE, M. D., SMITH, B. L., AND MCGHEE, K. K. “Identifying Deficient Pavement Sections using an Improved Acceleration-based Metric.” Presentation at TRB 2015 Annual Meeting.