UVA CTS Annual Report 2015 | Page 25

VIRGINIA TRAVEL TRENDS DURING MA JOR HOLIDAY PERIODS The project presents the historic congestion trends on the Virginia interstate system and important arterials during major holiday periods. It has two parts: (1) computation of congestion trends and (2) visualization. The congestion trends are visualized online by color-coding with the usual green-yellow-red color scheme using Google Maps. Congestion trends are calculated using private-provider vehicle probe-based speed data. To account for changes in traffic due to non-recurring events (incidents, weather, work zones, etc.), and missing or inaccurate data readings, data from a rolling window of three years is used. 2015 Virginia Labor Day Weekend Historic Travel Trends (Friday 4:30 - 5:00 PM) VISIT US AT www.cts.virginia.edu/cvpfs/ 25