Using Multimedia in the Foreign Language Classroom | Page 29

Activity 5 min 4 Activity 5 min 5 Children work in threes. They click on the hyperlink provided which leads them to a Hot Potatoes activity containing a number of True/false questions. Students can browse the questions, go back in order to read the text again and, in the case they do not answer correctly, the program helps them focus on a specific part of the text in order to find the correct answer. When they finish, they can close the window and return back to the Tasks page. Children work in threes. This is a crossword activity which asks students to guess the meaning of some new words from the context. Students click on the hyperlink and are led to a Hot Potatoes activity, this time in the form of a crossword. They click on the numbers in order to get the rubric and type the word which is asked for. In case they need help, the computer can provide them with hint letters. This activity asks A hot Potatos students to scan the text activity for specific details. The The text program is interactive, and the corrective feedback students are provided with is individualized and nonjudgemental It also gives students the chance to refer to the text again each time they need help. This helps students learn to work without the teacher’s control and discover things by themselves. Guessing the meaning of A Hot Potatoes a word from the context activity. is a skill native speakers The text usually make use of. It also helps students acquire vocabulary naturally, in its context. The use of the computer is facilitating as students can collaborate and try their guesses without spoiling the crossword. The program also provides scaffolding through hints which are available to students. The feedback given by the program encourages shy students try their guesses without being exposed in front of the whole class and contributes towards autonomous learning. 28