Using Multimedia in the Foreign Language Classroom | Page 28

Activity 5 min 3 the internet, and try to put them in the correct order. To do so they use the word processor which gives them the chance to experiment without being afraid that their choices are not reversible. In parallel, they acquire computer skills through a purposeful activity. After finishing, students can click on the hyperlink in order to see the original text and check the accuracy of their choices. In the case there is a mistake in their choices, they can go back and rearrange the paragraphs again. Teacher provides any help students might need with the computers Children work in threes. They read the text again in order to find answers to the questions they had formulated in activity 1b. If they find some answers, they write them under each question using a different typing style. organization of the text without having the need to stick to every detail. The computer becomes an environment where students work together discussing the possible arrangement of the paragraphs. This activity is more effective on the computer than on paper as it allows students to view the text as a whole and change the order of the paragraphs again if they believe that their choice was not correct. Finally, the fact that students can view the original text and monitor their choices contributes towards their development as autonomous learners. Students practice The text scanning as they read the text in order to get the information they are looking for. The activity is motivating as they are trying to find answers to their own questions. It is possible that not all questions will be answered, something which can initiate a further search on the internet, at a later stage. Once again, the computer supports a process approach to writing as it gives them the chance to draft and revise till they feel they have created a final text. computer skills are placed together with weaker ones so that they can provide scaffolding. 27