Using Multimedia in the Foreign Language Classroom | Page 19

considered an important post-reading activity. Having to deal with a summary of the reading text, students approach it with the knowledge they have already acquired. Thus, the task does not only become easier but it also becomes a purposeful, real-life activity. Moreover, the teacher, has the chance to select which words to erase and thus use the text as a conscious-raising activity (see 1. 3. 3 above). Once again, students click on the relevant hyperlink and are presented with a Hot Potatoes jcloze activity. Similar to what has been referred to about the Hot Potatoes activities above, the activity is interactive and provides students with hint letters which provide scaffolding in the case students need it. Activity 8 (see appendix IX, p. xiii) helps students practice extensive reading by supplying them with another authentic text from the internet which is about life in England at the time the Tower of London was built. According to Nuttall (1982:127) extensive reading is the easiest and most effective way of improving reading skills. Moreover, students are once more given the chance to appreciate the use of the www as a source of interesting and relevant source of information. 4. Conclusion This part provided a rationale for an effective use of computers in ELT and demonstrated how this can be realized, in the form of a model lesson. As it was shown, the adoption of an ‘aims-first’ approach which suggests for an exploitation of computers when they are more effective in teaching than other technologies, can become multiply beneficial to students as it can not only increase their motivation, but it can also contribute to the better achievement of the curriculum’s aims and objectives. In addition, it gives students the chance to learn how to use a computer within a purposeful context which, although not an aim in itself, is considered a necessary skill in today’s world. 18