Understanding Self-Worth and Self-Hate April 2022 | Page 3

Self-worth is how someone defines their value or worth as a person. Many people measure their value or self-worth on external factors, from body image and possessions to social acceptance and achievements.

True self-worth, however, is about who you are, not what you do or what you have in comparison to others. Comparing yourself with peers is always a losing battle and has lasting negative effects.

Many people who struggle with their self-worth can easily slip into a cycle of self-hate, characterized by destructive thoughts and often triggering self-destructive behavior.

Self-hate is also referred to as low self-esteem or bad self-image. No matter what term you use, self-hate is a self-worth problem.

If you struggle with these extremely self-critical thoughts, you aren’t alone.


Self-Worth & Self-Hate