BBQ Winter 2016/2017 | Seite 6


Food blogger and mum of 2, fitting BBQ around the school run and nappy changes. "For me, BBQ is about cooking food you love, for the people you love, in whichever way works for you".


Kelly Bramill

Ben (BBQ) Forte

Creator and a judge of The Great British BBQ Off. Ben is also host on the UnitedQ Podcast, the UKs number one BBQ Podcast. "I am passionate about spreading the joy of BBQ throughout the UK.".


Marcus Bawdon

Editor and BBQ Blogger at CountryWoodSmoke. Dad of 3 mini bbq critics. Dirty BBQ'er "My motto is cooking outdoors whatever the weather. I love to inspire others to cook outdoors".


Dan Shahin

Winner of The Great British BBQ Off, Founder of United Q Podcast & Semi Finalist of My Kitchen Rules. Major foodie with a passion for anything cooked outdoors & over fire.


Chris Phillips

Step dad of two and soon to be father of one. Installer/retailer of wood burning stoves and fireplaces. Wood fired fanatic & outdoor cooking enthusiast dabbling in wood fired pizza catering via York Pizza Co. "I genuinely get excited about quality real fire cooking and appliances and love to spread the word on quality gear and techniques so others can experience the greatness".
