UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center Magazine Spring 2016 | Page 4

failed before coming to me ,” Dr . Saleh says . “ It ’ s extremely difficult for these patients to meet the eligibility criteria . We need to think about phase I studies differently than we have thought about them before . It used to be an end-of-the-line option , and it ’ s no longer that . In many cases , it may very well be closer to the front of the line .”
Dr . Saleh ’ s message for patients and referring physicians is that phase I studies should be considered sooner rather than later . “ We shouldn ’ t wait until the end of the line to refer a patient to a phase I study ,” he says . “ We are here to say if you don ’ t have an FDA-approved option , consider a phase I trial .”
“ What we can best do for the patient should be our goal . We have a highly trained and compassionate team , all dedicated to this concept of giving the patient the drug called hope .”
Mansoor Saleh , M . D . UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center senior scientist and director of the Phase I Program
The Role of the Cancer Center
The Cancer Center has long been a tremendous supporter of the Phase I Unit and was instrumental in its creation . The program currently has 16 open trials , nearly all of which are oncology-related and more than double from when the program started . Some are studying hematologic malignancies , while others involve solid tumors and the rest are considered “ catch-all .” “ We are ambitious in our goal , but pragmatic and focused in our approach . With our disease-specific as well as catch-all , first-in-human trials , we have something for every patient ,” Dr . Saleh says .
“ While the objective of a phase I study is safety , tolerability and pharmacokinetic profile of novel drugs never administered to patients before , we are seeing more and more combination phase I studies , where an FDA-approved agent is delivered with the study agent . In many ways , such phase I trials also offer the real potential for some biologic and clinical activity ,” Dr . Saleh says . “ But , it is important to know that we are still in the experimental phase and do not have data to make any claim of benefit .”
The Phase I Unit has a number of trials that are target- or pathway-specific . For example , if researchers are studying a drug ’ s effect on a certain gene mutation or cell-survival pathway , only patients with that “ actionable signal ” would be eligible for the trial . That target , however , could appear in a number of cancers . Thus , a number of the phase I studies are geared toward a broad range of cancers .
The Phase I Program also has a number of trials involving the human body ’ s natural disease fighter – the T-cell . “ There is an entire army of drugs that stimulate the immune system and its T cells ,” Dr . Saleh says . “ However , we have not been able to activate the T-cell and help it fight cancer cells effectively , because cancer cells produce proteins and chemicals that inhibit the actions of the T-cell . We now have drugs that activate those T-cells and overcome the inhibitory impact of the tumor cell .” An example of these types of agents are the “ check-point ” inhibitors , including , for example , the drug given to former President Jimmy Carter to treat his melanoma . “ In our Phase I Program , we have a number of FDA-approved check-point inhibitors being administered with novel new drugs aimed at activating the cancer-fighting potential of the body ’ s own immune mechanism ,” Dr . Saleh says .
The challenge with any clinical trial , including phase I studies , is that patients must meet an often extensive list of eligibility criteria . Overall health – termed Performance Status – is an important factor , as are baseline laboratory studies , the stage of the cancer and having measurable target lesions , just to name a few . This goes a long way in explaining why not all patients can qualify for a clinical trial , because the only way to study new agents is to have a strictly defined patient population and to strictly adhere to the protocol .
“ When I see patients in my clinic , many have had five or more prior treatment regimens that have
The Future of Phase I
Dr . Saleh is hopeful that the more patients referred to the Phase I Program , the more clinical trials he and his team will be able to offer . “ Our focus is the patient – for them to have a one-stop shop where everything is done in one place ,” he says . “ It ’ s the supermarket approach . If everything can be done in one place , it ’ s easier and more efficient for the patient .”
For patients as well as referring physicians , UAB ’ s Phase I Unit is a unique offering . “ Other institutions offer phase I studies , but not a dedicated phase I program ,” Dr . Saleh says . “ We are one of the few academic medical centers – one of the few comprehensive cancer centers – who are doing phase I studies through a cohesive team approach .”
For UAB and the Cancer Center , having a phase I program such as this allows patients access to novel drugs they otherwise would not have . That access allows scientists to expand their research in new and innovative ways .
Dr . Saleh has high hopes for the future of phase I studies at UAB . He envisions the institution eventually having a building solely


First step in testing a new treatment in humans . Determines a drug ’ s toxicity , dosage and side effects and usually involves a limited number of patients who would not be helped by other known treatments .
dedicated to phase I clinical research , as well as a program to train young investigators to conduct phase I research . “ Within three years , if we can put more than 100 patients per year on phase I trials and have a repertoire of at least 20 diseasespecific and catch-all trials , where every patient can at least be given the option of a phase I trial , that is what we are aiming for .”
Because as Dr . Saleh firmly believes , it is all about the patient . “ What we can best do for the patient should be our goal ,” he says . “ We have a highly trained and compassionate team , all dedicated to this concept of giving the patient ‘ the drug called hope .’ We may not be able to help every patient , but we will surely try and give them our best . That is our commitment .”


Focuses on learning whether the new treatment has an anti-cancer effect , i . e ., does it shrink the tumor ?
For more information , contact 205-996-HOPE or phaseIreferral @ uab . edu



Compares the results of patients taking the new treatment with results of patients taking standard treatment , i . e ., which group has better survival rates and fewer side effects ?
4 U A B C O M P R E H E N S I V E C A N C E R C E N T E R # K N O W U A B C C C • U A B . E D U / C A N C E R 5