TTIP: the Impact on the Greek Democracy, Economy and Society Study Summary T he Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), belongs to the “new generation” of trade agreements. Together with Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is one of the most important forthcoming steps for the wide-ranging transformation of the bourgeois society and capitalism. The study «TTIP: The Impact on the Greek Democracy, Economy, and Society" constitutes a substantial resistance to the EU’s secrecy; a contribution so that the European societies will not have to accept the results of transatlantic, supranational negotiations as a fait accompli. The analysis is based upon a theoretical model according to which TTIP is jointly shaped by two systemic trends. First, the trend of the neoliberal transformation of the bourgeois society, which is the necessary response to the persistent, contemporary structural capitalist crisis. Secondly, the tendency of a newly formed bipolarism: on the one hand the pole of western bourgeois tradition; on the other, the pole formed by the two main operators of the postmodern capitalist totalitarianism in the East and the Eurasian territory, China and Russia. Therefore the necessity for a closer collaboration of the West is even more urgent. During the last decade, this has been served mainly (among other initiatives) by the forthcoming TTIP. Transatlantic Partnership is not simply a neoliberal integration agreement; moreover it constitutes the compulsory rallying of “western” trade and capital resources in order to confront the emerging Sino-Russian (and not only) concurrence.