Trustnet Direct Retirement Programme | Page 51

APPROACHING Hybrid plans Retirement used to be easy – you either bought an annuity or chose income drawdown. The new pension freedoms offer you far greater choice, but also bring greater responsibility. You now have unprecedented access to your pension savings and what you do from the age of 55 may have profound implications for your later life. If you decide that an uncrystallised funds pension lump sum (UFPLS) is not for you – and the name alone may have put you off – you still need to make a decision. ? Should you draw regular income from a flexi-access arrangement or secure your income for the rest of your life (or a fixed period) with an annuity? The beauty of flexi-access is it keeps your money invested for as long as you want. You may generate returns well above the rate of any annuity you could have bought, but you certainly need to be generating positive returns. That’s because you will be drawing your income from this money and it has to last for the rest of your life. That doesn’t mean an annuity won’t be a part of your future financial plans. Annuities provide insurance against living longer than your money la