Treasure Chest October/November 2015 | Page 7




Terry A. Kline, Chief of Security

Treasure Lake Security has been striving to make Treasure Lake a safer community by enforcing the rules and policies of Treasure Lake. Remember the roads of Treasure Lake were not built for speed. The roads are narrow and have lots of curves. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. Coral Reef is the only road within Treasure Lake posted at 35 mph. Accidents do occur in Treasure Lake; some severe. Most of these are speed related. Traffic citations are at a record high, so please don’t become one of our monthly statistics for receiving a citation.

Also, it is that time of year that hunters are getting ready for the upcoming deer hunting season. Remember, when deer are scared they run blindly across the roads. In addition, the rut is approaching which also causes the deer to also run wildly.

As always, please be cautious of children, or persons walking along the roadways. Please give them a wide berth when going around them.

The leaves will soon be dropping from the trees. Remember that it is a violation to blow leaves onto some one else’s property without their permission. This would include vacant lots, or property owned by the POA .

Slow down and enjoy the beauty of Treasure Lake.