Treasure Chest April/May 2014 | Page 14



Cold weather go away, so the Golf Taverns can open! We are very busy planning for a great summer. The 19th Hole Tavern will be opening at the end of March, weather pending. This summer we will have a great new menu and a weekly chef special, both of which can be found on the web and our tavern board. Please take advantage of our outdoor seating while our friendly staff serves your favorite beverage.

New this year, rent the 19th Hole Golf Pavilion for a fee of $150, public welcome. Please contact Lori Corcoran, Director of Events and Recreation, for more information.

Duffers Tavern will be opening at the end of April with anticipation for a great summer. The Kentucky Derby will once again be held at Duffers on May 3rd, 2014. Let’s make this derby the best one yet! Watch our website or stop in at the POA office for information on ticket sales. Come join in the action!

Celebrate Memorial Day with us on May 26th for our 2nd Annual Putting Contest, which is held at both courses. Free cupcakes and hole-in-one prizes will be given out. Welcoming all ages and the entire family!

Both taverns will be open this season from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. We look forward to seeing everyone, old and new faces alike. Lots of great memories to come in Summer 2014.

Golf Course Taverns

Mimi Goodman, Taverns Manager

Duffer's Wonderful Outdoor Seating