TRANSITION e-Mag #3 | Page 14

_13 TOOLS for Social Innovation Incubation The Transition Scaling Centers present you a selection of the tools to support social innovation incubation. The tools have been used within the SIJ framework. Tool #1: " THINKING OUTSIDE THE COMFORT ZONE BOX " By M'Angel Manovel transition basque country Thinking Outside the Comfort Zone Box is a group action methodology where structured conversation and dialogue connect and frame individual and group capacities to help develop emerging solutions for the companies and individuals. It's is framed with the following tools: - Mindfulness oriented future impact - Dialogue exchange - Case clinic by U Theory - Listening assessments of empathic and generative impact - Strenght vs. weakness keyword action - Coaching circles oriented to impact objectives - Movement process walking - Empathy & generative listening - Mindfulness exercise to orient the coming future - Coaching circle method and case clinic adapted from U Theory - Strenght vs. weakness, looking perspective on actual market world and at last - Thinking out of the box dialogue. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Through the Dinamik Ideas workshop, the participants learn to develop new attitudes towards resolving conflict, creating new solutions, strengthening their company values and