The True Mehdi Issue 01 - January | Página 17


majority today do not believe we are in the end times , however the signs given by scriptures from nearly all holy books prove otherwise . Most have similar predictions for the end of the world and we can see those being fulfilled today . All predict the arrival of an awaited personality who shall come to restore peace and justice in the world after a dark era of injustice and killing of innocent people .
‘[ Imam Mehdi ] will appear at the end of time and fill the world with justice after it has been filled with injustice and oppression .’ [ Bihar-Al-Anwar , vol . 51 p . 76 ]
People today are being slaughtered in the name of religion and according to a saying of Prophet Mohammad , in the end of days , religious ignorance will be widespread and many people will be killed . [ Bukhari ] Extremist groups such as Taliban and IS are responsible for taking the lives of innocent people , all due to sheer ignorance fueled by carnal desires and a hateful ideology .